YCSO Search and Rescue Team Takes First Place in Swift Water Competition Event, Team Called to Real Life Water Rescue that Night


On July 27, 2013, members of the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Response Team, Back Country Unit (BCU), competed in statewide swift water rescue competition and “swam” away with first place. The BCU contains a specially trained group of Swift Water Technicians. This 12th annual event was held at the Saguaro Lake Ranch in Mesa, Arizona, and involved teams representing 7 counties.

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Missing Rimrock Woman Found Safe



Just before midnight last night, Wilma was found by search dogs alive, cold, and otherwise well. Members of the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Response Team, Search Dog Unit, tracked and eventually located Wilma in a dense brush area about ¼ mile from her home around 1130 PM. They approached her in pitch black darkness calling her name. They heard Wilma faintly repeat her name back which helped the search team pinpoint the spot she was resting.

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3 Stranded and Eventually Rescued following Verde River Crossing



On March 11, 2013, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office was contacted at approximately 4 PM regarding three persons stranded near the Child’s Power Plant campground. The couple who called YCSO, had arrived in the area to the sounds of the three yelling for help from a location across the Verde River. The YCSO Forest Patrol detail immediately began a coordinated response which included 5 members of the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Response Team, Backcountry Unit. This team is certified in swift water rescue.

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Human Remains Found in Remote Area North of Prescott Valley Evidence Leads to Indication of Identity


On March 6, 2013, at approximately 6:15 PM, Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a home on Prescott Ridge Road, Prescott Valley. This area is located north of the Yavapai County Fairgrounds. The reporting party told deputies that while horseback riding earlier, he found what he believed were human remains.

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YCSRT members Tony Turek and Michael Paget met with Yavapai County Community Foundation members Carol Chamberlain and Tracey McConnell today to express our gratitude for YCCF's recent grant.  In 2012, YCSRT decided to apply for a grant to purchase a Relm Rapid Deployment Portable Repeater.  This device enables us to establish radio communications in areas of the county where no cellular telephone service exists and where existing radio communication cannot reach. The grant was for $8350 and was awarded in June, 2012.

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Seligman Child Found, February 13, 2013



Ryan has been reunited with his very grateful family following a search exceeding 4 hours involving numerous  YCSO personnel and volunteers, along with a DPS Ranger and Guidance helicopter crew flying “Rescue 1.” YCSO also very much appreciates the 8 residents/ranchers who participated with our crews as part of a coordinated search.

As we have seen in the past, the sooner a call is made regarding any missing child, the greater the chances of finding that child quickly and safely. Ryan was located about 2.5 miles from his home along a fence line.

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Tragic Off- Duty Accident Takes the Life of YCSO Lt. and his Son



Late this afternoon [January 11, 2013], Department of Public Safety officials notified Sheriff Scott Mascher that YCSO Lt. Wayne Loughrige, 51, and his son, Joseph Arter, 17, were both killed in single vehicle collision. The accident occurred on southbound Highway 69, at milepost 277, in Humboldt, Arizona.

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Missing Seligman Boy Found


At approximately 11:45 AM today[1/6/13], 7-year-old Cole Evans was located approximately 1.5 miles from his grandmother’s home. Cole was found by two Seligman residents who volunteered their time this morning as part of the search effort. While driving and checking for potential hiding places, they spotted a young boy underneath a trailer. When they stopped to investigate, the boy came running towards them and both recognized Cole immediately. He was transported to the command Post then reunited with his family at their home.

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Hunter Injured and Stranded before Eventual Wilderness Rescue


On October 28, 2012, around 8:30 PM, a 37-year-old Phoenix man was reported lost by family members. The victim had been hunting since 6:30 AM and not returned to camp. In the morning, the victim and 3 others walked to the edge of Wet Beaver Creek Canyon and decided to venture to the bottom of the canyon. On the way, the foursome broke into two groups and separated. Once on the canyon floor, the group containing the victim separated. His companion, who returned to base camp after dark, could not locate the victim and believed he was lost in difficult terrain.

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