Recent Rescues Overview 

As seems typical lately, our wonderful and dedicated Search and Rescue Volunteers were kept extremelty busy this past Saturday with rescue calls. Sheriff Mascher thanks each and everyone of those involved in these incidents. 

On April 29, 2017 at approximately 2:45 PM, an 11-year-old boy was reported missing by his parents while day camping on the East side of the Mingus Mountain summit. Within 20 minutes, deputies and search and rescue volunteers began arriving on scene to gather information for the search. The parents explained that while they were eating lunch, their son was playing nearby then apparently wandered off and out of sight. After attempting to call out for him and searching around the campgrounds for 30 minutes, they dialed 911 for assistance. He did not have a cell phone. 

The on scene deputies and volunteers were immediately sent out in teams on foot and in vehicles. Part of the search involved tracking shoe prints. Just before 4 PM, the boy was located in good health by a 4x4 member of the Yavapai County Search and Rescue Team (YCSRT) about approximately half a mile east of the campground. 

Tip – YCSO encourages immediate reports involving any missing child. There is no need to wait and call for help especially in wilderness areas where search teams may be delayed if the location is well outside urban centers. Children should be reminded to stay in sight of those in charge. Also, consider having them carry a whistle which can be used to call for help or aid searchers in finding them. More information regarding this issue and the YCSRT Hug-a-Tree program at:

On April 29, 2017, at about 3:30 pm, YCSO dispatchers received a call from a 23-year Mayer woman who was lost on top of Pine Mountain in the Pine Mountain Wilderness southeast of Dugas. She was hiking with her two dogs, lost the trail and was unable to get down from the mountain due to heavy vegetation and steep terrain. The woman was wearing lightweight clothing and carried food, water and a lighter to start a fire. Dispatchers reminded her to not to move and let the searchers come to her. Cell phone contact was sporadic but GPS coordinates were captured.

Two Yavapai County Search and Rescue Team (YCSRT) Back Country Teams were deployed and split up when the trail became divided to go around Pine Mountain. One team took the direct route up the side of the mountain while the other team took the longer, but a less steep route to her location. The first team made contact with the hiker just after sundown and began heading toward the second team which was on the less technical route. Both teams converged and hiked down to the trailhead where the woman's family was anxiously waiting.

Tip: This lost hiker was smart to call when she realized she was lost. Many times lost hikers will place themselves in precarious situations by continuing to move which could delay searchers in their efforts. Again, hiking along simply increases the risk of harm should you be injured in such a situation. 

On April 29, 2017, at approximately 4:15 PM, an 89-year-old man was reported missing by his family from the annual “Hogs in Heat” Barbeque at the Rock Springs Café in Black Canyon City. The caller explained that the missing man was at the event with them when they noticed he was no longer on the grounds. The subject was reported to be in great shape and had no medical issues. Family members had already searched the area and made announcements over a public address system without success. Some of the event patrons stated they had seen a male matching his description north of the event on the High Desert park trails. 

A Back Country Team was deployed around 5:30 PM on trails north of the event. Within the hour, 4x4, Quad units, and a DPS Ranger Helicopter were called out to join the search. Just after 6:30 PM, the Back Country Team saw the subject south east of the Rock Springs Café, off trail, and on a hill side walking toward I-17. About 20 minutes later, a Back County team member was able to catch up with him and saw that he was tired, disoriented, and covered in cactus needles. At 7 PM, DPS Ranger arrived and was able to land on a nearby hill to assess and secure the subject who was then flown to the Black Canyon Medical Center. He was later transported by ambulance to a Phoenix hospital for treatment of non-life threatening injuries.